Thursday 23 February 2012

Course Conversion Guide

Switching from a traditional face to face course to a hybrid or a blended course may seem like a lot of work but with a little pre-planning the process can be much easier. I've created a course conversion guide for a training manager that has been frustrated with the quality of communication among trainees in his face-to-face training sessions and wants to try something new. With his supervisor’s permission, the trainer plans to convert all current training modules to a blended learning format, which would provide trainees and trainers the opportunity to interact with each other and learn the material in both a face-to-face and online environment. In addition, he is considering putting all of his training materials on a server so that the trainees have access to resources and assignments at all times.

The course conversion guide I created contains tips and strategies for pre-planning and things that should be considered before putting his plans into action. The guide also contains information about his role. Since the course will no longer be a traditional face to face course but blended his role as an instructor will change as will the needs of his learners therefore I’ve included information about his role as a facilitator in an online environment and what he should expect. He also complained about Communication was also an issue within his course so I’ve given a few tips on how to encourage communication between himself and between students. The link to the conversion guide is below.


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